The support we receive from all our club members and club supporters is greatly appreciated!
The help and contribution that is received has a huge impact on the RMTBC and our ability to continuously grow the club and develop the mountain biking trail network in the Uenuku Pines MTB Park
We are currently in the process of rebuilding a portion of trails after recent logging operations. All of the support through club memberships, working bees, donations and funding is going directly back into the bike trails at the Pines.

NZ Forest Managers

Trail Fund NZ
Thank you to Trail Fund NZ for the grant we received that has allowed us to build our newest trail - Loose Chain!
This trail is a big addition to our trail network as it caters to a variety of skill levels. Loose chain can be ridden by riders who are just beginning their mountain biking adventure and learning to ride over rolls, through corners or catching air for the first time on a mtb trail. The trail has a bunch of fun rolls that can easily be doubled or more experienced riders will be able to seek out the side hits.

Ground Effect Slush Fund
Thank you to the amazing team at Ground Effect and providing the RMTBC with support throught the Slush Fund.
With the support the club has received, we were able to purchase two new tools to use for trail rebuild work at the Uenuku Pines MTB Park.


RAG2E Guides

Tongariro National Park Villages

Trust Waikato